Proline Prosonic Flow 90U, 90W, 91W, 93C, 93U, 93W
E Hauser
Performance characteristics
Reference operating
• Medium temperature range: +28 °C ± 2 K
• Ambient temperature range: +22 °C ± 2 K
• Warm-up period: 30 minutes
• Inlet run >10 x DN
• Outlet run > 5 x DN
• Measuring sensors and transmitter are grounded.
• The measuring sensors are properly mounted.
Maximum measured error
For flow velocities of > 0.3 m/s and a Reynolds number of >10000, the system accuracy is:
The basic accuracy of the measuring system is 0.5%.
The dry calibration represents additional uncertainty due to mounting and actual pipe properties.
This additional uncertainty is better than 1.5% typically.
Accuracy verification is carried out on a DN 50 or DN 100 pipe for the clamp-on version,
on a DN 250 pipe for the Insertion version (single-path version) and on a DN 400 pipe for the
Insertion version (dual-path version). The verification applies under reference operating conditions.
Maximum full scale value: 15 m/s
Maximum full scale value: 10 m/s
Only when used on plastic pipes
Guaranteed error limits
Prosonic Flow W and U:
– Clamp-on
– Insertion
< DN 50
DN 50 to
> DN 200
2.0% o.r. plus
0.1% o.f.s
2.0% o.r. plus
0.05% o.f.s
2.0% o.r. plus
0.02% o.f.s
See note
A report is not issued. The value
given are typical values.
Prosonic Flow W and U:
– Clamp-on
0.5% o.r. plus
0.1% o.f.s
0.5% o.r. plus
0.05% o.f.s
Verification of accuracy
Prosonic Flow W:
– Insertion
0.5% o.r. plus
0.02% o.f.s
Verification of accuracy
Prosonic Flow C Inline
1.5% o.r. plus
0.02% o.f.s
Calibration confirmation
Prosonic Flow C Inline
0.5% o.r. plus
0.02% o.f.s
Calibration report
o.r. = of reading
o.f.s. = of full scale value