Levelflex FMP56, FMP57 PROFIBUS PA
Mounting rope probes
Electrostatic discharge can damage the electronics.
Ground the housing before lowering the rope probe into the vessel.
Pay attention to the following when introducing the rope probe into the vessel:
• Uncoil the rope slowly and lower it carefully into the vessel.
• Make sure the rope does not bend or buckle.
• Avoid uncontrolled swinging of the weight, as this could damage internal fittings in the
Mounting rope probes in a partially filled silo
If a silo is retrofitted with a Levelflex, it is not always possible to empty the silo. If the
vessel is at least 2/3 empty, it is possible to mount the rope probe even in a partially
filled silo. In this case, if possible perform a visual inspection after mounting: the rope
should not become tangled or knotted when the silo is emptied. The probe rope must
hang fully extended before an accurate measurement can be performed.
Turning the transmitter housing
To provide easier access to the connection compartment or display module, the transmitter
housing can be turned: