Micropilot M FMR 240 with Foundation Fieldbus
E Hauser
Network configuration
During the configuration of the FF network the device description (DD) of the Micropilot M must
be downloaded into the directory foreseen for it.
• Start the interface configuration tool.
• Configure the interface.
• Call the DD download routine.
• Download the device descriptions (.ffo and .sym files) to the directory offered.
• When the configuration is complete, close the tool and the FF stack (if open).
The Micropilot M device descriptions can be ordered direct from Hauser or downloaded
from our website "
". They contain all data necessary to operate
Hauser Foundation Fieldbus devices.
Example: Start-up using the NI-Fieldbus configurator
Start the bus configuration tool. After start-up, the tool shows the network configuration in the form
of an expandable tree. If the Micropilot M has been connected correctly, it can now be identified:
A double click on the name reveals the device data:
The device ID is made up of the following components:
A right-hand mouse click on the name opens up a menu from which the PD_TAG and
NODE_ADDRESS can be changed
PD_TAG the physical name of the device
DEVICE_ID the unique device identifier
NODE_ADDRESS the fieldbus node to which the device is connected (is automatically allocated by the Configu-
Device_ID = 452B48100F-XXXXXXXX
452B48 ID code for Hauser
100F ID code for Micropilot M
XXXXXXXX Device serial number, as printed on the nameplate