Micropilot FMR60
V. 4, Rev. 2, 19-03-2018
SupplyCare inventory
management software
SupplyCare is a web-based operating program for coordinating the flow of material and information
along the supply chain. SupplyCare provides a comprehensive overview of the levels of
geographically distributed tanks and silos, for instance, providing complete transparency over the
current inventory situation, regardless of time and location.
Based on the measuring and transmission technology installed onsite, the current inventory data are
collected and sent to SupplyCare. Critical levels are clearly indicated and calculated forecasts provide
additional security for material requirements planning.
The main functions of SupplyCare:
Inventory visualization
SupplyCare determines the inventory levels in tanks and silos at regular intervals. It displays current
and historical inventory data and calculated forecasts of future demand. The overview page can be
configured to suit the user's preferences.
Master data management
With SupplyCare you can create and manage the master data for locations, companies, tanks,
products and users, as well as user authorization.
Report Configurator
The Report Configurator can be used to create personalized reports quickly and easily. The reports
can be saved in a variety of formats, such as Excel, PDF, CSV and XML. The reports can be
transmitted in many ways, such as by http, ftp or e-mail.
Event management
Events, such as when levels drop below the safety stock level or plan points, are indicated by the
software. In addition, SupplyCare can also notify pre-defined users by e-mail.
If technical problems occur, e.g. connection issues, alarms are triggered and alarm e-mails are sent to
the System Administrator and the Local System Administrator.
Delivery planning
The integrated delivery planning function automatically generates an order proposal if a pre-set
minimum inventory level is undershot. Scheduled deliveries and disposals are monitored
continuously by SupplyCare. SupplyCare notifies the user if scheduled deliveries and disposals are not
going to be met as planned.
In the Analysis module, the most important indicators for the inflow and outflow of the individual
tanks are calculated and displayed as data and charts. Key indicators of material management are
automatically calculated and form the basis for optimizing the delivery and storage process.
Geographical visualization
All the tanks and the tank inventories are represented graphically on a map (based on Google Maps).
The tanks and inventory situations can be filtered by tank group, product, supplier or location.
Multi-language support
The multi-language user interface supports 9 languages, thereby enabling global collaboration on a
single platform. The language and settings are recognized automatically using the browser settings.
SupplyCare Enterprise
SupplyCare Enterprise runs by default as a service under Microsoft Windows on an application server
in an Apache Tomcat environment. The operators and administrators operate the application via a
Web browser from their workstations.