Deltatop DP71B, DP72B, DP73B
Maintenance and repairs
Maintenance and repairs
The following maintenance tasks should be performed at regular intervals:
• Checking the zero point adjustment
• For wet gases: drain the condensate
• For soiled media: remove the sediment
• For abrasive media: check the primary device for abrasions
• For buildup formation: check and clean the primary device; exchange gaskets
• After the cutting ring connection has been opened several times (approx. 10 times),
replace the cutting ring
Primary elements do not require further maintenance if used appropriately. During standard
revisions of the measuring point it is recommended to examine the primary element carefully to
ensure its functionality (material/edge sharpness, traces of wear)
Required maintenance work must be carried out with the assistance of the responsible department
and/or trained staff. Safety instructions of these departments and staff have to be taken into account
(checking pressure/temperature; valves have to be closed)
If maintenance measures (e.g. exchanging the transmitter or manifold) have to be carried out under
process conditions, it must be ensured that all valves are closed and that there is no danger of
medium leaking. If necessary, the temperature and pressure have to be checked before unmounting
the device.
Exterior cleaning
When cleaning the exterior, always use cleaning agents that do not attack the surface of the housing
and the seals.
Replacing seals
Under normal circumstances, wetted seals need not be replaced. Replacement is necessary only in
special circumstances, for example if aggressive or corrosive media are incompatible with the seal