A bulge in the center of the locking lid after use is normal and will not affect its
functions, for a bulge lager than 80% we recommend to replace the lid
Weighing cup
To simplify the weighing process and prevent loss of samples the samples can be weig-
hed directly into weighing cups made from TFM-PTFE. These are placed in the digestion
vessel with the sample and remain there during digestion. Since the vessels exhibit prac-
tically no memory effects the cleaning process is the same as in the case of the digestion
A multitude of applications are available as individual documents. Contact your local
dealer or Analytik Jena.
These application data are for reference and guidance only. The reaction process will de-
pend on a number of factors such as the dispersion and surface of substances or catalytic
effects caused by admixtures. Spontaneous reactions can occur which will cause the
rupture disc to burst.