Function and setup
Biometra TRIO
Version 03_19
GLP compliance
The software can manage up to 90 user accounts. By default three different user-
levels are available: Administrator, user with generic rights and user with limited
rights. However, in a comfortable menu the administrator can configure the settings
for each user individually by activating or inactivating single rights. By the user admin-
istration tool in combination with the password protection of user accounts access to
the instrument can be limited to authorized persons and unwanted modifications to
the system settings and PCR protocols prevented.
With each system start the Biometra TRIO performs an initial self-test and additionally
the software offers an extended self-test that can be initiated by the user. The results
of the extended self-test becomes are summarized in a protocol and are stored by the
instrument. Additionally to the self-test functions the instruments creates and stores
run-logfiles for each single run. For long-term storage run-logfiles and extended self-
test protocols can be exported as proprietary file format.
Open system philosophy
The Biometra TRIO is an open system regarding consumables and reagents. Depend-
ing upon the sample block the system can be used with single tubes, strips or plates.
PCR plates can be standard profile or low profile and they can be skirted, semi-skirted
or non-skirted. The Biometra TRIO can handle all kind of plates and the plastic ware be
sealed with domed caps, flat caps, sealing foil or other technologies. Regardless of the
used sealing method thanks to the HPSL technology (see chapter 3.3.2) always the
same pressure is applied to the consumables serving for absolutely reproducible condi-
The Biometra TRIO Thermal Cycler is not limited to reagents from a specific vendor
and can be used with any kind of polymerase. Regardless if isothermal-, hot start- or
non-hot start polymerases are used, the Biometra TRIO will produce reliable results.
E.g. by programming a pause step for the initial denaturation the system can be used
for manual hot start applications. After inserting samples into the hot block the PCR
protocol can be started just by pressing
Order numbers
Block type
Order No.
Biometra TRIO 30
Biometra TRIO 48
Biometra TRIO combi
x = 2 for 230 V, 4 for 115 V, 5 for 100 V