Printing 3-4
3D User Guide
Orientation Options
Select either Portrait or Landscape. By default, this field reflects the setting in the
Properties dialog for your printer.
Color Adjustment Options
Smooth Halftone Uses the Floyd-Steinberg method of rendering halftones. Produces
output with smooth transitions. Good for input with lots of colors.
Pattern Halftone Separates halftone screening with different frequencies/angles.
Detail Halftone
Default. It separates halftone screening with the same frequency/angle.
Best setting for inkjet printers.
Advanced . . .
Brings up the Color Adjustment dialog to configure halftone, gamma
correction, brightness and contrast options.
Layout Options
Fit To
Enter a scale factor to size your plot. The default plot size is a scale of
Scale To
Scales your plot to a specific page size, for example, D size. The pull-
down menu lists your currently defined page sizes and lets you define a
custom size.
Annotation . . . Displays the Annotation dialog to configure plot axes/outlines and tiling
Job Processing Options
My Computer
Runs the driver on your local computer.