Printing 3-2
3D User Guide
Using the ENCAD V/R Xpress driver efficiently
This driver generates an intermediate file, which is then RIPed and sent to your printer.
For maximum efficiency, the smaller the intermediate file, the better. This is controlled by
the Paper Size setting on the Page Setup of the Print Properties dialog.
However, if a small Paper Size is used (e.g., A or Letter size) and the resulting print is to
be scaled much larger (i.e., greater than four times), pixilation could occur.
If a large Paper Size is used (e.g., D size) and the resulting print is either smaller or the
same size, the intermediate file is much larger and will take much longer to generate.
Best results are obtained when your final prints are between a scale of 1x to 3x from
your original paper size.
The Advanced Page of the Print Properties dialog allows you to select a scale for your
output, which affects how the data from your application package is scaled for the
intermediate file.
Leave this Scaling at 100% and let the driver scale your data for you.
Default scaling is 100%. Modify this in the Plot Layout dialog of the Main Dialog.
Printing a file
The main function of the driver is to allow you to print a file according to your specifica-
tions. Basic print options are described here - further details are available in the on-line
To print a file
Open the file from within the application.
Choose File/Print.
Select a printer.
Change basic print options, such as number of copies and page range, as
needed. When a print option is available in your application’s Print dialog
box, set it with your application. Use the ENCAD Printer Driver properties
dialog boxes only to change print settings unavailable in your application’s
Print dialog box.
Open the printer properties dialog box and change the driver print settings,
as needed. Most applications provide a Properties, Options, or Printers
button on the Print dialog box for accessing the printer properties. For more
information, refer to the on-line help.
Click OK.