Rectifier Installation
Installation Manual
Page 8
8 of
of 13
Commissioning the
the Rectifier
1) Ensure the polarity of the load and battery cables to the system are correct.
Ensure the polarity of the load and battery cables to the system are correct.
2) Plug the rectifier into the rectifier shelf using the following steps:
Plug the rectifier into the rectifier shelf using the following steps:
Locate the metal case into the chosen slot in the system.
Locate the metal case into the chosen slot in the system.
Push the rectifier into the re
Push the rectifier into the rectifier system until the connector is f
ctifier system until the connector is fully engaged. (audible click will
ully engaged. (audible click will
be heard, RM848/RM648 uses an automatic locking catch)
be heard, RM848/RM648 uses an automatic locking catch)
Rectifier removal is achieved by, pressing and holding the unlock button then gentle pulling on
Rectifier removal is achieved by, pressing and holding the unlock button then gentle pulling on
the front panel.
the front panel.
3) Once the rectifier is install
Once the rectifier is installed into the rectifier shelf, the AC
ed into the rectifier shelf, the AC power can be turned on.
power can be turned on. After the initial
After the initial
start up period the rectifier will be set to the desired system parameters by the monitor module via
start up period the rectifier will be set to the desired system parameters by the monitor module via
the serial communications.
the serial communications.