Rectifier Installation
Installation Manual
Page 7
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of 13
2 Installation
2 Installation
General Warnings
This rectifier contains no user serviceable components. Do not disassemble the rectifier.
This rectifier contains no user serviceable components. Do not disassemble the rectifier.
To isolate the rectifier from the mains power, simply unplug from the rack or switch off at the distribution
To isolate the rectifier from the mains power, simply unplug from the rack or switch off at the distribution
Rectifier Shelf
The RM848/RM648 rectifiers are designed to be used with the Enatel PSX system.
The RM848/RM648 rectifiers are designed to be used with the Enatel PSX system.
AC Supply
Supply Surge
Surge Protection
The AC supply that feeds the rectifiers should have surge protection installed to meet levels defined for
The AC supply that feeds the rectifiers should have surge protection installed to meet levels defined for
terminal equipment. Enatel recommend that IEC 62305-4(Protection against lightning - Part 4: Electrical
terminal equipment. Enatel recommend that IEC 62305-4(Protection against lightning - Part 4: Electrical
and electronic systems within structures) be used to give guidance on the design of surge suppression
and electronic systems within structures) be used to give guidance on the design of surge suppression
The performance of the rectifier can be li
The performance of the rectifier can be limited if the ventilation is restricted.
mited if the ventilation is restricted. The rectifier is cooled by
The rectifier is cooled by
drawing air into the front of the
drawing air into the front of the unit with a single fan.
unit with a single fan. This air passes through the rectifier cooling the
This air passes through the rectifier cooling the
electronics and exiting the rectifier at
electronics and exiting the rectifier at the rear.
the rear. To ensure this happens as efficiently as
To ensure this happens as efficiently as possible ensure the
possible ensure the
The air at the front of the rack is at ambient temperature and not being heated by other equipment.
The air at the front of the rack is at ambient temperature and not being heated by other equipment.
Ensure the rectifier shelf has at
Ensure the rectifier shelf has at least 25mm clear horizontal space behind it.
least 25mm clear horizontal space behind it. This space must be
This space must be
clear of cables and any other components that may restrict air movement.
clear of cables and any other components that may restrict air movement.
(Note: if multiple rectifier systems are installed then there should be at least 75mm clear horizontal
(Note: if multiple rectifier systems are installed then there should be at least 75mm clear horizontal
per shelf
per shelf
The free space in the rack should continue vertically to the exhaust point at the top of the rack,
The free space in the rack should continue vertically to the exhaust point at the top of the rack,
without impediment.
without impediment.
The hot exhaust air should not be allowed to re-circulate to the front of the rack as this will be
The hot exhaust air should not be allowed to re-circulate to the front of the rack as this will be
drawn into the rectifiers again, in effect raising the apparent ambient temperature.
drawn into the rectifiers again, in effect raising the apparent ambient temperature.
The rectifier should be operated in a low
The rectifier should be operated in a low dust environment.
dust environment. If this cannot be guaranteed, then the rack
If this cannot be guaranteed, then the rack
should be fitted with air filters to
should be fitted with air filters to prevent dust passing into the rectifier units.
prevent dust passing into the rectifier units. These filters need to be
These filters need to be
designed for adequate air volume and regularly maintained.
designed for adequate air volume and regularly maintained.
If you are designing your own rectifier shelf, then particular care must be taken to ensure that any
If you are designing your own rectifier shelf, then particular care must be taken to ensure that any
metalwork, cable or printed circuit boards are placed
metalwork, cable or printed circuit boards are placed to maximise the flow of cooling
to maximise the flow of cooling air.
air. To assist in this a
To assist in this a
drawing of the rear area of the rectifier, show air flow areas, has been included in appendix 5.
drawing of the rear area of the rectifier, show air flow areas, has been included in appendix 5.
Rectifier Addressing
Each rectifier in the system ha
Each rectifier in the system has a unique address which identifies it to
s a unique address which identifies it to the monitor.
the monitor. This address is set by
This address is set by
the position in the rectifier shel
the position in the rectifier shelf and the number of the shelf.
f and the number of the shelf. It is read by the
It is read by the rectifier from the backplane
rectifier from the backplane
PCB and will change i
PCB and will change if the rectifier is moved to a
f the rectifier is moved to a new location.
new location. This address structure is set up when the
This address structure is set up when the
system is built by the system manufacturer.
system is built by the system manufacturer.
Do not operate the rectifier if
Do not operate the rectifier if the covers are damaged or removed in any way
the covers are damaged or removed in any way
The rectifier contains voltages that may be lethal even after the
The rectifier contains voltages that may be lethal even after the
input supply has been removed
input supply has been removed
The rectifier contains components at High Temperatures that
The rectifier contains components at High Temperatures that may
burn if touched
burn if touched