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: It is absolutely necessary to make the pairing action at the first time when
receive RUSBA, but it is also advisable after a firmware update.
Axes calibration overview
As the pairing window informed us before, after the pairing is necessary to calibrate
each analog axis.
With this calibration we will inform Windows about the maximum, minimum and central
position of each axis. This procedure is similar to the Game Controllers properties
calibration wizard of Windows with the following differences:
- With the RS_HID_DEV_TOOL we can calibrate individually axes, only the axis
that we need.
- If the axis has central position, like the Rudder axis, RS_HID_DEV_TOOL
allows us the possibility of adjusting a dead zone area (automatically and
- Invert individually axes to adapt the hardware to the simulation program
- See the Raw and DX values graphically and numerically.
we only suggest using this tool to configure RUSBA and calibrate the rudder
pedal device
In the next image, you can see identified the different informative areas related with the
axes calibration.
Axes Raw
Axes DX
Axes Inversion
Minimum, Maximum and
Dead Zone icons
Manual Dead
Zone buttons