ColorMax Operating Instructions
Document No. 10030104
Second, a data-logging feature is provided in the Application program allowing readings to be saved
to a file for further analysis. Set-up and control of the data logging is performed under control of
the Applications program (refer to section 9.1.2 Triggering and section 11 Sensor Data Transmission
and Data Logging for further information).
This section provides step-by-step instruction on connection and set-up, allowing the user to become familiar
with operation of the sensor.
1. Determine which communications port on the PC will be used to communicate with the sensor. Install
the ColorMax Application software per instructions in the following section. When using the USB port
on the PC for communication, install the associated drivers during the Application installation.
2. Connect the sensor cable to the Color I/O per instructions in the CONNECTIONS section. Connect the
12V power supply as shown in the wiring diagram (observe polarity) and apply power.
3. The green LED on the sensor will indicate power is applied and the sensor is operational. Depending on
the sensor model number and discrete outputs available, various LEDs on the Color I/O will be
illuminated. For unconnected or unavailable channels, both LEDs on the Color I/O will be illuminated.
4. Connect either the RS232 or the USB cable from the Color I/O to the appropriate PC port. When using
the USB port, Windows© will detect the new hardware, and install the drivers. Upon completion
launch the Application program by double-clicking the program icon.
5. If the correct COM port is selected, the Application program will show the sensor model number and
serial number. If this information is not displayed, select a different COM port and press the reset
button. Once communication with the sensor is established the Application window will show the
sensor settings and current reading.
6. In the Sensor Settings column select Averaging 64, Free Run, Minimum Output Duration 0 and press the
Send ColorMax Settings button. In the Current Reading frame, select the Color and Luminosity display
7. Select several targets, solid color objects, paint samples, or other colored materials to evaluate. Place
the sensor at approximately 2” from the target, if the target is glossy, tilt the sensor on a slight 15 to
20˚ angle (from perpendicular to the target). When positioning targets in front of the sensor maintain
distance and angle by marking the surface in the test area.
8. Start with the lightest colored sample. Observe the RGB signals in the Current Reading section of the
display. Generally, the one or more of the red, green or blue signals should be in the 20% to 80% of full
scale range. If the signals are low, increase the illumination level. If any of the color signals are too
high, decrease the illumination level to bring the highest color signal between 80% to 90% of full scale.
To adjust the illumination level, move the slider to a new position and press the Send ColorMax
Settings button.
9. After determining the appropriate illumination setting for the range of samples being evaluated a Color
Recognition Channel may be programmed. In the Color Recognition Channel frame, select Channel 1
from the drop box, check Color and Luminosity mode, check the Recognition Enabled box, set the
tolerances for each color to 20% using the Tolerance spin boxes. Select Match output High. After
making these selections, verify that the target is properly positioned in the sensor light spot. Press the
Teach ColorMax Channel button to program the selected channel to recognize the current target color.