ColorMax Operating Instructions
Document No. 10030104
2. To determine the COM port assignment select the Windows™ Control Panel, System Properties.
Select the Hardware tab and the Device Manager. Scroll down the device list to Ports (COM &
LPT) and expand the list (+). The Color Sensor port assignment will be shown in the list.
3. Close the Control Panel windows and launch the Application program. Select the appropriate
COM port in the drop box and select the Reset button. Communications with the sensor are
now established.
The Communications status box shows the ColorMax model and the connection status, either
on line
indicating normal communication or
Communication lost
indicating a disruption in communications.
After initiating a Teach command, while the sensor is executing the instruction, the status box
Teaching Channel X…
9.2.3. SERIAL NO.
The Serial Number box shows the serial number of the sensor currently connected.
The Color Recognition Channels section of the display window contains all color matching channel
parameters. The number of color recognition channels is dependent on the ColorMax model and the
application program configures for the appropriate model. All of the selections in this section are channel
specific. For example, one channel can be programmed to output a high level when a match occurs while
another channel can be programmed to output a low level when a match occurs. With the exception of the
ColorMax-1000-15HEX models, Color Recognition Channels can be programmed to achieve multiple match
outputs. For example, channel 1 can be programmed to 5% tolerance, channel 2 to 10% tolerance and
channel 3 to 15% tolerance using the same sample. This allows the user to monitor variations in samples
for further process analysis. The ColorMax-1000-15HEX models provide four discrete signals in a binary
format and as such, only one output may be active at a time.
9.3.1. CHANNEL
The channel drop box shows the number of channels available for color recognition. Select the
appropriate channel prior to changing the associated parameters. Note that the number of color
recognition channels is dependent on the ColorMax model.
There are two color recognition modes; Color & Luminosity and Color only. The Color only mode
compares the proportion of each color component in the signal, checking to determine that the
proportions are within the allowable tolerance to detect a match. This allows for greater variation in
sensor-to-target distance than the Color & Luminosity mode. The Color & Luminosity mode evaluates
each color component, the luminosity level of each and compares them to the programmed values
within the allowable tolerance. The ColorMax allows users to select color and color & luminosity
modes on an individual channel basis. Color and luminosity provides the highest precision while Color
only is better suited in applications where target flutter is present.
The Recognition Enabled check box allows the user to enable or disable a particular channel without
altering the programmed color recognition settings. A single channel or multiple channels can be
temporarily disabled causing the sensor suspend checking of that channel for a color match. To
disable a channel, uncheck the Recognition Enabled box and select the Send All ColorMax channels