At the primary location, connect the audio device to the EJ-10 as described above
(Play an Audio Device into the Telephone Line).
Call the remote location
At the remote location, follow the procedure for playing an incoming signal over
your sound system as described above (Listen to a Telephone Conversation over
Your Sound System).
Allow the Proceedings at one Location to be Heard at Another over Telephone Lines
(requires two EJ-10’s)
To allow the proceedings at one location to be heard at another auditorium over a
telephone line, you must have an EJ-10 at both locations. Follow this procedure:
At the primary location, connect the sound system’s OUTPUT connector to the
EJ-10 as described above. (See Playing an Audio Device into the Telephone
Line. NOTE: A stronger or speaker level signal may be connected to the EJ-10
through the LOUDSPEAKER LEVEL INPUT or the appropriate AUXILIARY
LINE LEVEL INPUT on top of the EJ-10.)
Call the remote location.
At the remote location, follow the procedure for playing an incoming signal over
your sound system as described above (Listen to the Telephone Conversation over
Your Sound System).
Listen to a phone conversation over your sound system.