6.2 TopGun Calibration procedures
6.2.1 Make sure the blue LED in the D-Pad lights when you aim at all corners of the screen. If the blue LED flashes, there
should be some interruption sources beside/behind where you are aiming at. If it doesn't light, the gun may be too
close to the screen. Please stand back, remove the interruption source and try again.
6.2.2 Aim the TopGun at the ceiling or floor, make sure the blue LED doesn't light, hold A+B buttons for 5-10 sec to enter
the "Calibration mode". In "Calibration mode", the blue LED would be ON no matter where the TopGun is pointing at.
6.2.3 Shoot the following targets in this order (ABCDE):
I) Aim at the top left LED (i.e. point A of the above picture), pull trigger. (i.e. Button D, refer to TopGun buttons list)
If it success, the blue LED will flash for once. If it doesn't, repeat until it does.
II) Aim at the top left corner of the screen (i.e. point B of the above picture), pull trigger. (i.e. Button D)
If it success, the blue LED will flash for once. If it doesn't, repeat until it does.
III) Aim at the top right corner of your screen (i.e. point C of the above picture), pull trigger. (i.e. Button D)
If it success, the blue LED will flash for once. If it doesn't, repeat until it does.
IV) Aim at the bottom right corner of your screen (i.e. point D of the above picture), pull trigger. (i.e. Button D)
If it success, the blue LED will flash for once. If it doesn't, repeat until it does.
V) Aim at the bottom left corner of your screen (i.e. point E of the above picture), pull trigger. (i.e. Button D)
If it success, the blue LED will flash for once. If it doesn't, repeat until it does.
VI) After success in (V) it would quit the calibration mode automatically, and you could use the gun now.
If there is anything wrong in "Calibration mode", such as wrong shooting order or inaccurate aiming, please press
"START" and "SELECT" at the same time to return to "Normal mode", and then restart the calibration from step 6.2.2.