5.Install the driver
5.1 Note
5.1.1 This step is only for PC. Skip this if you are using PS2™, PS3™.
5.1.2 In case you have installed any other 3rd party TopGun driver, you must un-install them first before you install the
official driver. Otherwise it will result in driver crush.
5.1.3 For the 1st time you connect the TopGun to PC, the PC should ask you for driver. If it doesn’t ask you for driver
but find an unknown USB device instead, please try another USB port or use a USB hubs.
5.1.4 During installing the driver, if the mouse pointer lose control and stay at the bottom right corner, please follow
the steps below and try again.
i) Set the RF receiver and the TopGun to the same channel.
ii) Turn ON the switch (ON/OFF) of the TopGun.
iii) Plug the RF receiver to PC.
5.2 Install procedures
5.2.1 Download the latest driver from the link below :
5.2.2 unzip the compressed file.
5.2.3 Plug the RF receiver to PC and then turn ON the switch (ON/OFF) of the TopGun.
5.2.4 It would find the
"HID mini driver for EMS TopGun"
, hardware installation wizard would pop up. Please let it
search for the most suitable driver automatically from the directory where the file is decompressed.
5.2.5 It would find a
"HID-compliant mouse"
and hardware installation wizard would pop up again.
Click "install the device automatically (recommended)" to install the driver.
5.2.6 It would find a
"HID-compliant device"
and hardware installation wizard would pop up again.
Click "install the device automatically (recommended)" to install the driver.
5.2.7 Visit "device manager", you could find "HID mini driver for EMS TopGun", which indicate that the installation
is successful.
5.2.8 Run the "TopGunPanel.exe" program, "EMS TopGun 1" would be shown at the top left corner.
Please configure it according to your preference, and click "submit settings".
Note : The above guide is for windows XP.
6.TopGun Calibration
6.1 Note
6.1.1 Before the first time to use the TopGun, user have to calibrate the TopGun.
6.1.2 The distance between the TopGun and the screen should be 2 to 3 times of that between the two LED stands.
(for LED stands mounted beside the screen)
6.1.3 TopGun has two mode: "Normal mode" and "Calibration mode".
"Calibration mode" is only for calibration process. During normal game play, TopGun should enter the "Normal mode".
In "Calibration mode", the blue LED inside the D-Pad would light no matter where the TopGun is pointing at.
In "Normal mode", the blue LED inside the D-Pad would light only when it is pointing at the screen.
(i.e. Could see all 4 sets of infrared LEDs at the same time)
User could hold button A and B for 5 to 10 sec to enter "Calibration mode".
User could quit the "Calibration mode" by either finishing the calibration process or pressing "START + SELECT".
6.1.4 For PS2™, PS3™, please enter the game before entering the "Calibration mode". (* refer to 8.3)
6.1.5 If the TopGun enter "Calibration mode" automatically, and user could not quit the "Calibration mode" by pressing
"START + SELECT", please jump to step 6.2.3. After the calibration is finished, the gun would return to normal.