EMS 827
Page 53
Engine Temp Flt
The unit has detected that the engine temperature has not risen to
50 degrees within the first 5 minutes of running or the temperature
sensor has shorted to common. Normally this indicates a faulty
temperature sender or broken wiring.
Oil Temp Flt
The unit has detected that the Oil temperature sender has become
open circuit.
High Canopy Temp
The unit has detected a high canopy temperature.
The following warning messages indicate potential problems. When a warning occurs, the
message associated with the warning is displayed. Warnings clear automatically when the
warning condition is cleared.
No Excitation
Excitation voltage is low when engine is running. This indicates a
probable charging fault or the alternator belt has broken.
Low Charge Volts
Battery Voltage is below the charging voltage setpoint when the
engine is running. Indicates that the alternator is not charging the
Under Voltage
Battery Voltage is below the low battery setpoint.
Over Voltage
Battery Voltage is above the high battery volts setpoint. This may be
due to a faulty regulator or battery charger.
Oil Lock Out
The unit has detected that the oil pressure is above the oil pressure
alarm setpoint with the engine not running. This warning prevents
the engine from attempting to crank with the engine potentially
running. This may be due to a faulty oil sender or a very tight engine.
This warning is disabled if Oil Pressure Check before Cranking is set to
Tacho Lock Out
The unit has detected that a speed signal is present with the engine
not running. This warning prevents the engine from attempting to
crank with the engine potentially running. This warning can
sometimes be caused by ripple generated by mains powered battery
Excite Lock Out
The unit has detected that Excitation is present with the engine not
running. This warning prevents the engine from attempting to crank
with the engine potentially running. This warning can sometimes be
caused by ripple generated by mains powered battery chargers.
AutoStart On
The unit has detected an Autostart signal when not in auto mode,
indicating the engine needs to be started in Auto mode.