A Message from MTO
Personal Mobility Devices (Motorized Wheelchairs and Medical Scooters)
Do not require registration, license plates, driver's license or vehicle insurance.
Persons operating motorized wheelchairs are treated in the same way as pedestrians.
Wheelchairs can be driven by muscular power or other types of power and are designed for
and used by people whose mobility is limited by one or more conditions or functional
impairments. In general, municipalities establish by-laws for where wheelchairs can or cannot
be used. Operators should check with their local municipality to ensure by-laws permit their
use on sidewalks.
A sidewalk should be the first choice for someone using a wheelchair or medical scooter.
When there is no wheelchair accessible curb, the person should return to the sidewalk at the
first available opportunity.
If there is no sidewalk available, people using wheelchairs or personal mobility devices
should travel, like pedestrians, along the left shoulder of the roadway facing oncoming