Temperature Alarm Maximum Parameter
Default =Maximum Value of Device Scale ) MODBUS ADRES:40028
For = 1, this parameter value can be adjusted from temperature alarm minimum
parameter value to maximum value of device scale.For = 2, this parameter
value is can be adjusted 0 to %50 of the device scale.
Temperature Alarm On Delay Time Parameter
Temperature Alarm On Delay Time can be defined with this parameter. It can be
adjusted from 0 to 99 minutes.
(Default = 0)
Temperature Alarm Delay After Power On Parameter
It can be adjusted from 0 to 99 minutes.
(Default = 0)
When power is first applied to the device, this time delay must be expired for activation of
temperature alarm.
Fan Operation Selection Parameter (Default = 1) MODBUS ADDRESS:40031
Fan is OFF.
Fan is ON.
Fan operates according to the evaporator sensor temperature value.
Fan Stopping Temperature Parameter
Fan stopping temperature can be defined with this parameter.
(Default = 2°C) MODBUS ADDRESS:40032
It can be adjusted from
minimum value to maximum value of device scale.
Hsyteresis Parameter for Fan Output (Default = 1 ) MODBUS ADDRESS:40033
From 1 to 20°C for NTC (-50°C, 100°C) , from 1 to 36°F for NTC (-58°F, 212°F), from
0.1 to 10.0°C for NTC (-50.0°C,100.0°C), from 0.1 to 18.0°F for NTC (-58.0°F,212.0°F)
Fan Activity Selection According to the Compressor and Defrost
(Default = 0) MODBUS ADDRESS:40034
Fan operates according to the parameter.
Fan operates according to the parameter, but fan is stopped if
commpressor is stops.
Fan operates according to the parameter, but fan is stopped during
defrost and dripping time.
Fan operates according to the parameter.If compressor stops, during
defrost and dripping operations fan stops.
Fan Delay Time After Completion of Dripping Time Parameter (Default = 2)
Fan Delay Time After Completion of Dripping Time is defined with this parameter.
It can be adjusted from 0 to 15 minutes.
Fan operates according to the ( cabinet - evaporator ) temperature value.
Temperature Alarm Minimum Parameter
For = 1, this parameter value can be adjusted from minimum value of device
scale to temperature alarm maximum parameter value. For = 2, this
parameter value can be adjusted 0 to %50 of the device scale.
(Default = Minimum Value of Device Scale) MODBUS ADRES:40027
Relative alarm is selected. Alarm operates according to the set value. If cabinet
temperature value is below ( Set - ) or above ( Set + ), alarm ocurs.
Temperature Alarm Function Selection Parameter
( Default = 0 )
Temperature alarm function is inactive.
Absolute alarm is selected. If temperature lower than and higher than
, then alarm is on.