Sensor Offset Parameter ( Default = 0 ) MODBUS ADDRESS:40007
from -20 to 20 °C for NTC(-50°C, 100°C) or PTC(-50°C, 150°C) or J Type TC (0°C,800°C)
or J Type TC (0°C,1000°C) or PT-100(-50°C, 400°C)or PT-1000 (-50°C, 150°C) or
PT-100 (-20°C, 100°C),
from -36 to 36 °F for NTC(-58°F, 212°F) or PTC(-58°F, 302°F) or J Type TC (32°F,1472°F) or
or K Type TC (32°F,1830°F) or PT-100(-58°F, 752°F) or PT-1000(-58°F, 752°F) or
PT-100(-4°F, 212°F),
from -10.0 to 10.0°C for NTC(-50.0°C,100.0°C) or PTC(-50.0°C,150.0°C) or
PT-100 (-19.9°C,99.9°C),
from -18.0 to 18.0°F for NTC(-58.0°F,212.0°F) or PTC(-58.0°F,302.0°F) or
PT-100 (-4.0°F,212.0°F),
Compressor Start Delay at Power On Parameter ( Default = 0)
When power is first applied to the device, compressor is on when this time delay is expired.
It can be adjusted from 0 to 20 minutes.
Compressor Stop-Start Delay Parameter ( Default = 0) MODBUS ADRES:40010
When compressor is inactive, this time delay must be expired for activation of the
compressor. It can be adjusted from 0 to 20 minutes
Compressor Start-Start Delay Parameter
( Default = 0) MODBUS ADRES:40011
This time delay must be expired between two activation of the compressor. It can be
adjusted from 0 to 20 minutes.
Operating Type Parameter ( Default = 0) MODBUS ADDRESS:40008
If parameter value is ‘0’ device skips to
Minimum Temperature Set Value Parameter (Default = Minimum Value of Device
Scale ) MODBUS ADDRESS:40005
Temperature set value can not be lower than this value.
This parameter value can be adjusted from minimum value of device scale to maximum
temperature set value parameter
Maximum Temperature Set Value Parameter (Default = Maximum Value of Device
Scale ) MODBUS ADDRESS:40006
Temperature set value can not be bigger than this value.
This parameter value can be adjusted from minimum temperature set value parameter
to maximum value of the device scale
Sensor Defect Parameter ( Default = 0 ) MODBUS ADRES:40012
Compressor is active during this time period in case of probe defect (Default = 0)
If probe defect parameter
is 2, then this parameter is observed. It can be adjusted
from 0 to 99 minutes.
Compressor is OFF in case of sensor defect.
Compressor is ON in case of sensor defect.
Compressor operates periodically according to
Time periods in
case of sensor defect.
Compressor is inactive during this time period in case of probe defect
( Default = 0 )MODBUS ADRES:40014
If probe defect parameter
is 2, then this parameter is observed. It can be adjusted
from 0 to 99 minutes.
Buzzer Function Selection Parameter
( Default = 0 ) MODBUS ADDRESS:40015
Buzzer is inactive.
Buzzer is active during sensor failures.