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ESD Control items should be tested:
A. Prior to installation to qualify for listing in user’s ESD
control plan approved ESD control items
B. During initial installation
C. For periodic checks of installed products as part of ESD
control plan compliance verification plan
“A Compliance Verification Plan shall be established
to ensure the Organization’s fulfillment of the technical
requirements of the ESD Control Program Plan. Process
monitoring (measurements) shall be conducted in
accordance with a Compliance Verification Plan that
identifies the technical requirements to be verified, the
measurement limits and the frequency at which those
verifications shall occur. The Compliance Verification Plan
shall document the test methods and equipment used
for process monitoring and measurements. If the test
methods used by the Organization differ from any of the
standards referenced in this document, then there must
be a tailoring statement that is documented as part of
the ESD Control Program Plan. Compliance verification
records shall be established and maintained to provide
evidence of conformity to the technical requirements. The
test equipment selected shall be capable of making the
measurements defined in the Compliance Verification Plan.”
(ANSI/ESD S20.20-2007 section 7.3)
Electrification Period
The Surface Resistance Test Kit provides the proper
electrification period of 15 seconds per ANSI/ESD S4.1,
after numerous readings and calculations are executed,
then displays surface resistance mantissa measurement
(Note: most analog type meters display measurements
When the Test Button is depressed, the liquid crystal
display (LCD) will indicate:
• Temperature in degrees Fahrenheit (tolerance ±5°F,
• Temperature in degrees Celsius (tolerance ±3°C, typical)
• Humidity as percentage (from 5% - 95% tolerance, ±10
• Surface resistance mantissa (with exponent displayed via
illuminated LED, measurement in ohms)
Measurement being displayed is identified by the illuminated
function LED. The surface resistance exponent (or power of
number) is immediately illuminated and remains illuminated
measuring the range the surface resistance in ohms.
Reference Literature
In addition to those noted above:
ANSI/ESD S20.20 - Development of ESD Control Program
ESD ADV1.0 - Glossary of Terms
ANSI/ESD S6.1 Grounding
These documents can be obtained directly from the
ESD Association, 7902 Turin Rd., Suite 4, Rome, NY
13440-2069, (315) 339-6937 or www.esda.org.
Other standards are available from the agencies who
produce them. MIL-HDBK 263A, EIA-IS-5-A, ASTM-F-150,
EN 100015, and JESD625-A.
Employee Owned
A. LED Displays:
Surface resistance exponent is displayed
via light emitting diodes illuminating 1/8” high number.
There are 12 LEDs displaying surface resistance exponent
measurement. They are color coded for quick checks:
<3, 3
4, 5
6, 7, 8
9, 10, 11
12, >12
Five Function LED’s identify the measurement being
displayed (see B below).
• When battery voltage drops to approximately 2 volts, one
of the Function LED’s to the right of the red pushbutton
switch will begin to flash, indicating the need to replace
B. Liquid Crystal Display (LCD):
Mantissa is displayed via
9/16" high liquid crystal display and provides easy to read
resistance (or resistivity) measurements.
When the Test Button is depressed, the LCD will indicate:
• Temperature in degrees Fahrenheit
• Temperature in degrees Celsius
• Humidity as percentage
• Surface resistance mantissa (with exponent displayed via
LED, measurement in ohms)
Figure 2. Features of the Surface Resistance Meter
- 3651 Walnut Avenue, Chino, CA 91710 • (909) 664-9980 • Fax (909) 627-7449 • Website: