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1) Install the rectangular steel shim between the head and 
    the center bridge post or place it in the same spot inside the banjo.

Installation Instructions: 




1) Install the steel shim under the bridge post

Rectangular Shim:

Loosen the strings and install the .005 shim under the center
bridge post as shown in the diagram. This may not be your ideal 
spot for the sound you want, but it’s a good place to start.
The shim can also be installed in the same spot inside the banjo.

Round Shim:

The round shim is designed to be installed inside the banjo in the 
same position (under the center bridge post.  
The round shim provides a little more output and a little more 
low-frequency response from the banjo

If you want to try other locations for either shim put some scotch tape 
on the shim, move it around, try it out, when you decide on a location
you can place it permanently. See Page 4

There is adhesive with backing paper on one side of the shim, when
you’re sure you’ve chosen the right position, remove the backing 
paper before you install it. 

2) Or, install the round steel shim inside the
     banjo directly under the center post.


3) Adjust and Tighten the pickup 

Once you have targeted the pickup cutout hole over the steel,
place a business card or similar spacer, about .015” (0.38mm) 
thick between the pickup and the head of the banjo.
Or use a Credit Card (.030”-.76mm
Press slightly on the pickup body and tighten 
the two screws on the Pickup Strap using the 9/64 hex wrench. 
Be sure the pickup mounting is solid. 

4) Then tighten the screws on the pickup strap using the 9/64
hex wrench.

The business card should slide between the pickup and the head 
with only a slight friction... If not, readjust the pickup.
Remove the card.
The pickup should NOT be touching the head.

2) Assemble the Mounting Bracket and Pickup

Assemble the pickup and mounting bracket as shown in the diagram
to the right, with the pickup aligned as shown. Loosely tighten both the 
strap screws and the pickup screws, they will be tightened in the next steps.

The pickup should line up directly over the steel shim placed 
under the center bridge post and under the coordinator rods.

If you choose a different placement of the pickup additional
spacers ae included to allow alignment.
Adjustment spacers, 2 ea. .250” (6), .375” (9)
are provided so you can place the pickup directly over 
whever you place the steel shim. 

To use a different location for the pickup, you can reverse the 
mounting of the strap, add spacers, or do whatever you need to
do in order to place the pickup. 

3) Tighten the 9/64 hex screws with the 
business card in place pushing lightly 
down on the pickup body.

Press firmly here while tightening 
the thumb screws

2) Install the bracket and the pickup on the coordinator rods

Press firmly on the Rod Strap while tightening the 
two thumb screws so the strap is sitting flat on the top rod.          
The strap screws and the pickup  screws should still be loose
for now. Be sure the pickup is targeted over the shim steel.

Loosely tighten the strap screws 
to start

Loosely tighten the pickup screws

Business Card
or Credit Card 
(.015-.030”) .38-.76mm thick

4) Tighten these 2 screws after the
      pickup is tightened in
