Type Y696
Instruction Manual
Form 5312
February 2016
Type Y696 Vapor Recovery Regulator
Scope of Manual
This Instruction Manual includes installation, startup,
maintenance and parts information for the Type Y696
vapor recovery regulator.
Product Description
The Type Y696 vapor recovery regulator is a direct-
operated regulator with internal registration requiring
no downstream control line. It is used to sense
increase in vessel pressure and vent excessive
internal vessel pressure to an appropriate vapor
recovery disposal or reclamations system.
Principle of Operation
The Type Y696 is used to maintain a constant inlet
(blanket) pressure with the outlet flowing to a system
whose pressure is lower than that at the inlet.
When vessel pressure increases above the setpoint
of the regulator due to pumping in or thermal heating,
the force of the control spring is overcome by
Figure 1.
Type Y696 Vapor Recovery Regulator