General Warning
Introduction • 1
1.1. General Warning
Please read the following safety precautions and
warnings before using this manual:
2.1. General Description
The XEV22D controller is capable of driving a
wide variety of stepper electronic expansion valves.
The controller regulates the superheat (SH) of the flu-
id that runs into the refrigeration unit to obtain opti-
mized performance and functioning of the evaporator
independent of climate or load conditions.
XEV22D controllers are equipped with two (2)
probe inputs, one for a 4 to 20mA (or 0 to 5V) pres-
sure transducer and another one for a Pt1000 or NTC
temperature probe.
The LAN connection transmits the pressure signal
to the other XEVs; this allows the use of only one
pressure transducer in multiplexed cabinet applica-
tions. The controller can also have two (2) configu-
rable digital inputs, the first one is free of voltage and
the other one is at high voltage, to simplify connec-
tions with cooling request signal.
With the integrated display, it is possible to see the
superheat (SH) value, the degree of valve opening, or
the probe values; the local keyboard enables the con-
troller to be programmed without any other devices.
An RS485 serial link connects the controller to
other Emerson monitoring and supervising systems.
2.2. Ordering Code
• This manual is part of the product and
should be kept near the controller for easy
and quick reference.
• The controller should not be used for purposes
different from those described in this manual. It can-
not be used as a safety device.
• Check the application limits before proceeding.
• Check that the supply voltage is correct
before connecting the controller.
• Do not expose to water or moisture: use the con-
troller only within the operating limits and avoid sud-
den temperature changes with high atmospheric
humidity to prevent condensation from forming.
• Warning! Disconnect all electrical connections
before performing any kind of maintenance.
• Fit the probe where it is not accessible by the end
user. The controller must not be opened.
• In case of failure or faulty operation, send the
controller back to Retail Solutions (see address) with a
detailed description of the fault.
• Verify the maximum current that can be applied
to each relay (see Section 17, Specifications).
• Ensure that the wires for probes, loads, and the
power supply are separated and far enough from each
other, without crossing or intertwining.
• In case of applications in industrial environ-
ments, the use of main filters (our mod. FT1) in paral-
lel with inductive loads could be useful.
Dixell Code
Table 2-1 - Product Ordering Code