ADI Inst :116
PRE-On min Time
UPs echo schedule count time
ADI Inst :117
ADI Inst :108
Command (8Byte)(only read):
Receive data 3 : UPs self test
Receive data 4 n M 186 188 A B : setUP schedule on/oFF time(7byte)
n Is schedule on time HIGH BYte MIn (0-255)
M Is schedule on time LoW BYte MIn (0-255)
A Is schedule off time MIn (0-60)
B Is schedule off time seC (0-59)
eX: schedule on 1Day schedule off 5min
4 5 160 186 188 5 0
UPs get command
UPs shutdown 1440min UPs Restart
Receive data 5(only for UsB) : Buzzer silence on/off
Receive data “B”(only for M40) : Buzzer silence off
Receive data “b”(only for M40) : Buzzer silence on
Buzzer silence off = Alarm enabled
Buzzer silence on = Alarm Disabled
Receive data “G” : enABLe no LoAD sHUt DoWn FUnCtIon
Receive data “g” : DIsABLe no LoAD sHUt DoWn FUnCtIon
Receive data 185 188 A B : UPs at Battery Mode PRe-sD CoUnt
A Is schedule off time MIn (0-60)
B Is schedule off time seC (0-59)
ADI Inst #
= Instance number of the Host Application Data object
= Data type ( e.g. UInt8)
= Variable name, available on some networks
= is the value Get-able from the network
Process Data Exchange
= variable able to be mapped to process data exchange
Range Min
= minimum value for set access. For range checking of inputs
Range Max
= maximum value for set access. For range checking of inputs
Update Rate
= Approximate period of application update, for this value (may be asynchronous)
6.2 Process Data Exchange
the following lists the instances that are to mapped to process data exchange.
Input (16 Bytes):
BYTE0 Load Level(%)
example: Byte0=60 the load level is 60%
BYTE1 Battery Level(%)
example: Byte1=60 the battery level is 60%
BYTE2,3 Input voltage
example: Byte2,3 =120 the input voltage is 120V
BYTE4,5 Output voltage
example: Byte4,5=120 the output voltage is 120V
BYTE6 Input frequency
example: Byte6=60 the input frequency is 60Hz
BYTE7 Output frequency
example: Byte7=60 the output frequency is 60Hz
| 6.0 Data exchange