Table 7-5: Interface Status
Can't handle max possible
interface thickness
With the current configuration, the
maximum measurement range is too
short to guarantee that the interface
echo can always be found.
Accept the limitation or change the tank
environment and device configuration.
Interface thickness close to max
The interface is close to the limit where it
will be lost due to the limited maximum
measurement range.
No action needed but the interface echo
may be lost if the upper product
thickness increases.
Interface set to max thickness
No interface echo found. The upper
product thickness is set the maximum
value of the current level measurement.
No action needed.
Interface thickness greater than
probe length
The interface was found below the probe
The Upper Product Dielectric Constant is
probably incorrect.
Volume calculation status
Volume calculation status messages that may appear on the Integral Display, on the
handheld communicator, or in Rosemount Radar Master are shown in
Table 7-6: Volume Status
Level is below lowest strapping
The measured level is below the lowest
point in the given strapping table.
For a correct volume calculation in this
region, change the strapping table.
Level is above highest strapping
The measured level is above the highest
point in the given strapping table.
For a correct volume calculation in this
region, change the strapping table.
Level out of range.
The measured level is outside the given
tank shape.
Check if the correct tank type is chosen
and check the configured Tank Height.
Strap table length not valid.
The configured strap table length is too
small or too large.
Change the strapping table size to a valid
number of strapping points. A maximum
number of 20 strapping points can be
Strap table not valid.
The strapping table is not correctly
Check that both level and volume values
in the strapping table are increasing with
strapping table index.
Level not valid.
The measured level is not valid. No
volume value can be calculated.
Check Measurement Status, Warning and
Error Messages.
Volume configuration missing.
No volume calculation method is chosen. Do a volume configuration.
Volume not valid.
The calculated volume is not valid.
Check the other volume status messages
for the reason.
Analog output status
Analog output status messages that may appear on the integral display, on the handheld
communicator, or in Rosemount Radar Master are shown in
Service and troubleshooting
Reference Manual
April 2019
Rosemount 5300 Level Transmitter