Figure 2-6: In-line Gage Low Side Pressure Port
A. Low side pressure port (atmospheric reference)
2.1.6 Consider housing rotation
To improve field access to wiring or to better view the optional LCD display:
1. Loosen the housing rotation set screw using a -in. hex wrench.
2. Turn the housing left or right maximum up to 180° from its original
Over-rotating can damage the transmitter.
3. Re-tighten the housing rotation set screw to no more than 7 in-lb
when desired location is reached.
Figure 2-7: Housing Rotation Set Screw
A. Housing rotation set screw (5/64-in.)
Rosemount 3051D original position aligns with “H” side; Rosemount 3051G original
position is the opposite side of bracket holes.
Quick Start Guide
February 2019