Emerson PACSystems RX3i IC695CPE330 Quick Start Manual Download Page 17



PACSystems™ RX3i 64 MB CPU w/Ethernet Quick Start Guide



Basic Installation Steps 

For startup and configuration of the CPE330, complete the following steps. 

For full details on CPE330 operation, refer to the 

PACSystems RX3i & RSTi-EP 

CPU Reference Manual,

 GFK-2222 or later.  



Turn power off at the RX3i rack and install the CPE330 in a double-

slot which is CPU-compatible (refer to 

PACSystems RX3i System 


GFK-2314 Chapter 3). Typically, the CPU is in the left-most 

slot pair, or in the pair of slots to the right of the power supply 




If used, mount the compatible RX3i Energy Pack (IC695ACC402) 

within 3 feet of the CPU. The dedicated interconnect cable attaches 

to the underside of CPE330. Follow interconnect and grounding 
instructions in

 PACSystems RX3i Energy Pack IC695ACC402 Quick Start 


 GFK-2939. Secure the two retention flat-head screws with a 

very small slotted screwdriver. 



Set the pair of hook tabs at top rear of the CPU module into two 

adjacent notches on the alignment rail of the RX3i rack backplane. 

This aligns the module with the intended slots in the main rack and 

with the right-side connector of this pair.  



Swing the module down until the rear connector on the CPU module 

engages the mating backplane connector.  Firmly engage the 




Visually inspect the module to be sure it is properly seated.  

Summary of Contents for PACSystems RX3i IC695CPE330

Page 1: ...PACSystems RX3i64MBCPU w EthernetIC695CPE330QuickStart Guide GFK 2941K Sept2019 ...

Page 2: ...Light EmittingDiode Indicators LEDs 7 Status Indicators 7 Ethernet Ports 10 Hardware Installation 12 Initial Checks 12 Installation Location 12 Installation in Hazardous Areas 13 Class 1 Division 2 Groups ABCD 13 ATEX Zone 2 14 Grounding 14 Module Start up 15 You Will Need 15 Basic Installation Steps 16 ...

Page 3: ...de GFK 2941K Redundancy Configuration 17 PROFINET Controller Configuration 18 Backward Compatibility with CPU320 CRU320 CPU315 18 Removable DataStorage Device RDSD 21 PeriodicMaintenance 21 Real Time ClockBattery 21 Spare Parts 23 Additional Information 23 ...

Page 4: ... supportsallRX3i I OandIntelligent Optionmodules upto32K I O points Supports an updated OPC stack and certificate management Supports PME s new GUI management interface for OPC UA configuration integration start stop restart clear and provisioning mode Supports the new PAC Security tool available for certificate trust management for clients and servers Supports RX3i Hot Standby Redundancy CPU with...

Page 5: ...sed with up to four IC695PNS101 Advanced PROFINET Scanner modules A RX3i SoE system supports events from up to 512 SoE input points with a system storage buffer for up to 128 000 events at a maximum rate of 400 events per second per PNS101 Each PNS101 supports SoE recording with IRIG B time synchronization of events accurate to 1ms and buffers up to 4000 events from up to four IC694MDL660 32 Circu...

Page 6: ...ersal Time UTC and Day Light Savings Time DST support Operating temperature range 0 C to 60 C 32 F to 140 F Compliant with EU RoHS Directive 2002 95 EC using the following exemptions identified in the Annex 7 a 7 c I and III and 15 Switches The Run StopswitchandRDSD UPLD andRDSD DNLD pushbuttons are locatedbehindthe protectivefront door Switchoperationisgivenin the followingtable The Run Stopswitc...

Page 7: ...esuser programor datafromRDSDtoCPU Run Stop Switch Position A three positionswitch whichoperates as follows CPU and Sweep Mode Memory Protection Run I O The CPU runswithI O sweepenabled User programmemoryisread only Run The CPU runswith outputsdisabled User programmemoryisread only Stop The CPU isnot allowed togo intoRunmode User programmemorycanbe written ...

Page 8: ...ot applied or CPU hasaproblem whichmaybe indicatedbyblink pattern Blinking Other LEDsoff CPU inStop Halt state possible watchdog timer fault Ifthe programmercannot connect cycle powerwithchargedEnergy Packattachedand refer tofault tables CPU OK On Amber CPU indicatingCPU320 CRU320 compatibilitysetting FORCE On Amber Refer tothe section Compatibility with CPU320 CRU320 CPU315for more information RU...

Page 9: ...RCE On Amber Override isactive onabit reference Off NoOverridesactive inI OReference Tables RDSD On Green USBDevice detected NoActivity Blinking Green Port activitydetectedonUSBInterface Off Noport activitydetectedonUSBInterface On Red RDSD Failure Blinking Red Target name mismatch Presssame RDSD pushbuttonagain todismiss SYS FLT On Red CPU isinStop Faultedmode afatalfault has occurred Off Nofatal...

Page 10: ...ratingState LINK upper On Green The correspondinglinkisphysically connected Blinking Green Trafficisdetectedat the correspondingport Off Noconnectiondetectedat corresponding port 1Gbps lower On Amber LAN1 or Correspondingnetworkdataspeedis1 Gbps On Green LAN2 Off Correspondingnetworkdataspeedis100 Mbpsor 10Mbps ...

Page 11: ...e twoEthernet LANsare servicedbya dedicatedmicroprocessor core Inaddition eachEthernet LANisserviced by adedicatedNetworkInterfaceController NIC Inthisway theservicing ofthe Ethernet portsisindependentofthe controllerlogicandI O scanning Thissuperior levelofservicingisrequiredat the higher communicationsrates Anyof the embeddedEthernet portsmaybe usedtocommunicate withthe PMEprogrammingsoftware us...

Page 12: ...5 0 Gateway 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 1 TypicalMulti TierLANApplication A typicalapplication willtake advantage ofthe twoindependent LANs The dedicatedLAN1port willbe usedfor communicationswithplant levelor supervisorylayers The switchedLAN2willtypicallybe usedto communicate withdeviceswithinthemanufacturingcellor process includinglocal HMIdevicesandmicro controllers ...

Page 13: ...ationSolutionswill fullycooperate withyou however shouldsuchactionbe necessary After unpackingthe RX3iequipment recordallserialnumbers Serial numbersare requiredifyoushouldneedtocontact Customer Care during the warrantyperiod Allshippingcontainersandallpackingmaterialshould be savedshould it be necessarytotransport or shipanypart ofthe system Verifythat allcomponentsofthe systemhave beenreceivedan...

Page 14: ...X3iracksystems refer tothe PACSystemsRX3i System Manual GFK 2314 If youneedtechnicalhelp contact TechnicalSupport For phone numbers and emailaddresses refertothe backcover ofthisGuide Installation in Hazardous Areas The followinginformationisfor productsbearingthe ULmarkingfor HazardousAreasor ATEX markingfor explosive atmospheres Class 1 Division2 Groups ABCD Thisequipment isan open type device a...

Page 15: ...Thismodule must be mountedinan enclosure certifiedinaccordance with EN60079 15for use inZone 2 GroupIIC and ratedIP54 The enclosure shall onlybe able tobe openedwiththe use ofatool Grounding The RX3irackintowhichthisproduct willbe mountedmust be grounded per the instructionsprovidedin PACSystemsRX3i System Manual GFK 2314 Also ifan EnergyPack IC695ACC402 isconnected itsground strapmust be grounded...

Page 16: ...AC1 or DC A computer runningPAC Machine Edition PME configurationand programmingsoftware PMEVersion9 70SIM 16or latersupportsall featuresinthisdocument Ethernet cable for connectingthe PMEprogrammercomputer tothe RX3iCPU Phillip sheadscrewdriver A verysmall slottedscrewdriver 1 4mmjeweler ssize 1 On lightly loaded racks use IC695PSA040H or later or IC695PSA140D or later otherwise power up may be u...

Page 17: ...nt the compatible RX3i EnergyPack IC695ACC402 within3feet ofthe CPU The dedicatedinterconnect cable attaches tothe underside ofCPE330 Follow interconnect andgrounding instructionsin PACSystemsRX3i EnergyPackIC695ACC402Quick Start Guide GFK 2939 Securethe tworetentionflat headscrewswitha verysmallslottedscrewdriver 3 Set the pair of hooktabsat toprear ofthe CPU module intotwo adjacent notchesonthe ...

Page 18: ...atinglevel Duringthistime the EnergyPackwillindicate thisconditionviaitsLEDs refer to PACSystemsRX3i Energy Pack IC695ACC402 Quick StartGuide GFK 2939 The CPE330willbeginitsboot cycle once ACC402ischarged This typicallytakes90 secondsor less Inthe event the ACC402isfaultyor is not communicating CPE330commencesoperationwithout the EnergyPack Redundancy Configuration PAC Machine Edition8 60SIM 8or l...

Page 19: ...trollerinaCPE330project select theCPE3302 target inthe PME Navigatorandopenthe HardwareConfiguration Onthe Settings tab change the LAN2 Mode toPROFINET ThePROFINETController node descriptionnow displaysthat it isusing LAN 2 asa submodule under the CPE330 Compatibility with CPU320 CRU320 CPU315 The CPE330alsoservesasa drop inreplacement for the CPU320 CRU320 and CPU315Controllerswithout theneedtoup...

Page 20: ...ion 3 Hold down the RDSD UPLD button and turn power on to the CPE330 Continue to depress the RDSD UPLD button until the CPE330 powers up and displays one of the following patterns on the LEDs CPU StatusIndicators On Blinking Off CPE330 LED LED State Operating State CPU OK On Amber Normal mode Compatible with CPU320 FORCE On Amber RUN Off RDSD On Red OUT EN Off SYS FLT On Red CPU OK On Amber CRU320...

Page 21: ...storedtoCPE330sthat are in Normal CPU320 compatibilitymode andonlyCRU320projectscanbe storedto CPE330sthat are inCRU320 compatibilitymode UsersofaCPE330with PMEversion8 60SIM 8or later donot needtochange thiscompatibility settingifthe project isconvertedtoaCPE330application Byfactory default the CPE330isset toNormal CPU320 compatibilitymode MigrationofCPU315applicationstothe CPE330ispossible withn...

Page 22: ...The CPE330user programand or memorycontentsmaybe savedtoaUSB device viathe RDSD UPLD pushbuttonor loadedintothe CPUfromaUSB device viathe RDSD DNLD pushbutton Similarly datacanbe selectedand saved Inthis way anapplicationmay be clonedandcopiedfromone device toanother PeriodicMaintenance Real Time Clock Battery The CPE330isshippedwitharealtime clock RTC batteryinstalled Figure 2 Over time thisbatte...

Page 23: ...llbe incorrect Figure 2 RTC Battery There are nodiagnosticsor indicatorstomonitor RTC batterystatus The RTC batteryhasanestimatedlife of5yearsandmust be replacedevery5 yearsona periodicmaintenance schedule For complete procedure refer toReplacementofReal Time ClockBattery onCPE330in PACSystemsRX3i RSTi EP CPUReference Manual GFK 2222V or later ...

Page 24: ...ystems RXi RX3i RSTi EP Controller Secure Deployment Guide GFK 2830 PACSystems RX3i Energy Pack IC695ACC402 Quick Start Guide GFK 2939 PACSystems RX3i IC695CPE330 CPU Important Product Information GFK 2942 PACSystems RX3i RSTi EP CPU Programmer s Reference Manual GFK 2950 PACSystems HART Pass Through User Manual GFK 2929 PACSystems Hot Standby CPU Redundancy User Manual GFK 2308 PACSystems RX3i PR...

Page 25: ...ustrial automation controls All Rights Reserved We reserve the right to modify or improve the designs or specifications of the products mentioned in this manual at any time without notice Emerson does not assume responsibility for the selection use or maintenance of any product Responsibility for proper selection use and maintenance of any Emerson product remains solely with the purchaser 2019 Eme...
