Sapro Sampling DeviceS
Maintenance and RepaiR instRuctions
cleaNiNg the SyriNge
after each use of the Sapro syringe, the unit
should be cleaned by thoroughly rinsing with an
appropriate cleaning fluid as follows:
1. press the operating lever (8) against
the cylinder cage (9) and lock into position
by moving with the locking lever (6) from
position B and to position c.
2. immerse the tip of the nozzle into a jar
containing the cleaning fluid.
3. pull and push the piston rod repeatedly until
the syringe cylinder is clean.
routiNe iNSpectioN
Sapro sampling valves and syringes are
precision engineered devices and need to
be kept clean and well maintained to ensure
perfect operation. The Sapro units should be
inspected periodically to ensure that seals are
not leaking, as follows:
a. valve seat
excessive moisture on the head of the safety
plug may indicate a leaking valve seat.
(refer to replacement instruction further on).
b. Spindle seal
remove the yellow screwed plastic plug at
the leak detection port on the Sapro valve body.
excessive moisture at this point may indicate
a leaking spindle seal. (refer to replacement
instructions further on).
c. Syringe nozzle seal
When a sample has been drawn into the
syringe, examine the nozzle seal area and
the o-ring and piston seals on the cylinder.
any leakage indicates the need to replace
the relevant seals. (refer to replacement
instruction further on).
cleaning the syringe