United States
1050 Dearborn Drive
P.O. Box 29186
Columbus, OH 43229
Via Leonardo Da Vinci 8
Zona Industriale Tognana
35028 Piove Di Sacco (PD) Italy
+39 049 9719 111
Fax: +39 049 5841 257
7/F Dah Sing Financial Centre
108 Gloucester Road, Wanchai
Hong Kong
852 2572 2201
Fax: 852 2519 9210
Technical Support/Service
Web Site
Outside the US: 614-841-6755
© 2008 Liebert Corporation
All rights reserved throughout the world.
Specifications subject to change without notice.
® Liebert is a registered trademark of Liebert
Corporation. All names referred to are trademarks or
registered trademarks of their respective owners.
User Manual
This guide is designed to give you the information you need to install and
configure the Liebert IntelliSlot Web/485 card with adapter. A full user
manual, SL-52615, is available online at
. Emerson
Network Power highly recommends that new users consult the user manual.
Web Support
Liebert IntelliSlot Web/485 card
with adapter delivers Web
management and control to Liebert
equipment. All users on your
network will be able to view status
information. Control and
configuration capabilities are
protected by a username and
password combination. The default
username is “Liebert” and the
default password is also “Liebert.”
You can change the password from
the Web or from the service
Change the username and
password today to prevent
unauthorized access.
SNMP Support
The Liebert IntelliSlot Web/485 card
with adapter enables SNMP
management of Liebert equipment.
To integrate the card into your
SNMP implementation, you will
need to compile the Liebert Global
Products MIB on your network
management station (NMS).
The Liebert Global Products MIB,
which supports both Windows and
Unix file formats, is included in this
package on CD-ROM or may be
downloaded at
Building Management Systems play
a vital role in the overall operations
of facilities and buildings. Most
building management systems
provide device communications via
the Modbus protocol. The IntelliSlot
Web/485 card with adapter provides
a Modbus interface to Liebert
equipment, enabling integration
with your building management
system. Product details are available
online at
Liebert Nform
Utilizing the SNMP and Web
technologies built into each Liebert
IntelliSlot Web/485 card with
adapter, Liebert Nform will centrally
manage alarm notifications to
provide you with an easy interface to
access critical system information. A
downloadable edition is available
online at
Liebert MultiLink
The card installed in a UPS may be
used with Liebert MultiLink
software, providing unattended,
graceful operating system shutdown.
The card can be monitored by
Liebert MultiLink over a network,
eliminating the need for serial
cables. Downloadable versions of
Liebert MultiLink and product
details are available online at