Nov 2020
Problems Resolved in IC200EBI001-PK (Primary FW-1.10)
ID code
ENIU incorrectly reports
“Default” input status on
mixed modules
When Output Field Power is lost on the mixed module MDD844,
ENIU incorrectly reports the inputs status with “Default” values.
However, the input LEDs shows the correct/actual input status.
The state of the FAULT LED
on ENIU changes every time
when “Clear All Faults”
command issued
For a “Clear All Faults” command, the Fault LED on ENIU goes from
ON to OFF even though the fault condition continues to exist. Also
for every “Clear All Faults” command the Fault LED toggles between
ON and OFF i.e. If it is ON, after the command execution it goes to
OFF. Similarly, if it is OFF after the command execution it goes to
At random intervals ENIU
drops outputs
00666959, 00675588,
00584521, 00638282
DE5198, DE5199,
DE5320, DE5175
While communicating with Modbus TCP/IP client, at random
intervals, ENIU incorrectly drops the outputs.
Problems Resolved in IC200EBI001-NJ (Primary FW-1.02)
When ENIU is configured for Modbus TCP, a “Read Exception Status” request will
fail. Because of this, the 8-bit status
of Ethernet NIU
which reflects “Fault present” status will not be successful.
The Modbus TCP second connection cannot be set for Read only mode. Though user sets the second connection as
Read-Only in programmer, it always operates in read/write mode.
When a Modbus TCP communication is established between a Modbus master and ENIU, STAT LED glows solid
GREEN. When ENIU communication with master is stopped or the master is disconnected from the ENIU, the STAT
LED still remains solid GREEN instead of switching OFF.
Open Issues
In Proficy Machine Edition (PME), the Power Consumption value of ENIU is still displayed as: +5V at 175mA; +3.3V
at 425mA. It has to be +5V at 600mA;
Quick Start Guide
Install the ENIU on the DIN Rail by simply clicking it into place.
Note: The ENIU and connecting carriers must be installed on the same section of 35mm x
7.5mm DIN rail. The DIN rail must have a conductive (unpainted) finish for proper grounding.
The VersaMax ENIU has a separate shield ground connection to provide shielding for its port. Attach a
wire with a stab-on connector to the grounding terminal on the bottom of the module.
Connect a ring terminal on the other end of the wire to a grounded enclosure. Where the ring
terminal contacts a painted enclosure panel, either install a star lock washer between the terminal
and the panel to cut through the paint, or scrape the paint away down to clean, bare metal to ensure
a good contact.