44 ซ.บรมราชชนนี 70 ถ.บรมราชชนนี ศาลาธรรมสพน์ ทวีวัฒนา กทม. 10170.
Line ID: @add11 e-mail: [email protected]
2. If it is necessary to adjust the regulator:
• Loosen the locknut (key 13).
• Turn the adjusting screw (key 12) while monitoring
the pressure. Turn clockwise to increase the set
pressure; turn counterclockwise to decrease the
set pressure.
• Tighten the locknut after adjustment is made.
lose the upstream shutoff valve.
lose the downstream shutoff valve.
3. If vent valves are installed, open the vent valve
between the regulator and the downstream shutoff
valve. Then, open the vent valve between the
regulator and the upstream shutoff valve.
4. If vent valves are not installed, safely bleed off
both inlet and outlet pressures, and check that the
regulator contains no pressure.
Regulator parts are subject to normal wear and must be
inspected and replaced as necessary. The frequency
of inspection and replacement of parts depends
upon the severity of service conditions as well as the
requirements of local, state, and federal regulations.
To avoid personal injury or equipment
damage from sudden release of
pressure or explosion of accumulated
gas, do not attempt any maintenance or
disassembly without first isolating the
regulator from system pressure
and relieving all internal pressure from
the regulator.
The body assembly (key 1) may remain
mounted in a line or panel or on other
equipment during disassembly as long
as the entire regulator does not have to
be replaced.
The following procedure describes how to completely
disassemble the regulator. When part replacement
or inspection is required, complete only those steps
necessary to accomplish the task, and then start the
assembly at the appropriate step. Key numbers are
referenced in Figure 2.
1. Remove closing cap (not shown), if used.
2. Loosen locknut (key 13), and turn adjusting
screw (key 12) counterclockwise so that spring
tension is relieved.
3. Remove the cap screws and nuts (keys 14 and 15)
that hold the spring case (key 2) on the body (key 1).
Then, remove the spring case, regulator spring (key 4),
and upper spring seat (key 11).
4. Remove the diaphragm assembly (key 9).
5. Unscrew and remove the stem guide (key 8) from
the valve body.
6. Remove the stem seal O-ring (key 5) from the
body. If the O-ring is to be replaced, it should be
7. Unscrew the body plug (key 10). This permits
removal of the valve spring (key 3) and the disk holder
assembly (key 6).
Spring Installation
Reassemble in the reverse of the above procedures.
1. Lubricate the upper spring seat and the exposed
threads of the adjusting screw with Anti-Seize lubricant.