background image

For troubleshooting information see the Data Domain Support web site


troubleshooting tips

If you purchased optional software for the Data Domain system such as 
Replicator or Retention Lock, the licenses are enabled on your Data Domain 
system prior to shipment. You need to configure them for use. Details on 

configuring the optional software can be found in the 

DD OS Administration 


 Access the latest documents at



configure optional Software


The Data Domain system provides multiple protocols for data access: NFS,CIFS, 
VTL, and DD Boost. You need to configure one or more protocols for data 
access, depending on your environment. You also need to configure the clients 
for accessing the Data Domain system with the protocol of your choice.


The NFS configuration section in the configuration utility sets up the NFS 
clients to allow access to 


 on the Data Domain system. You also need 

to set up the NFS clients to allow access to 


 on the Data Domain 

system. This can be done using the following steps:

Create a mount point (directory) such as 



create an administrative mount point such as 



NFS mount the directories on the new mount points. For example: 

mount -F nfs -o hard,intr,vers=3,proto=tcp rstr01:/
backup /dd/rstr01/backup 
mount -F nfs -o hard,intr,vers=3,proto=tcp rstr01:/
ddvar /dd/rstr01/ddvar

Add the following lines to the file 


 (the file name may be 

different depending on your UNIX-based system). The lines mount the 
directories at every reboot. For example: 

system:/backup - /dd/rstr01/backup nfs - yes 
system:/ddvar - /dd/rstr01/ddvar nfs - yes 

To cause backup software to abort when the system is not mounted, 
create a backup directory within the mounted file system, such as  



For more configuration information, see the specific Data Domain Integration 
Documentation at



The CIFS configuration section in the configuration utility sets up the CIFS 
clients to allow access to 


 on the Data Domain system. You also 

need to set up the CIFS clients to allow access to 


 on the Data 

Domain system. For additional configuration information, see the specific 
Data Domain Integration Documentation at


DD booSt For oPEnStoraGE 

(oPtional licEnSE rEquirED)

For setting up the Data Domain DD Boost feature, see the 

Data Domain Boost 

for OpenStorage Administration Guide

 available at


aPPlication intEGration

For information about how to integrate the Data Domain system with backup 
software, see the documentation for the applicable application at the Data 
Domain Integration Documentation section on the Data Domain Support web 



configure the System for Data access


aDDitional SyStEM conFiGuration

Any system command that accepts a list, such as a list of IP addresses, accepts 
entries separated by either commas or spaces. See the 

DD OS Commmand 

Reference Guide

 for command details.

Give access to additional backup servers:

# nfs add /backup {*|client-list

Add users to the email list that reports system problems:

# alerts add email-list

Add users to the system report email list:

# autosupport add email-list

Enable FTP or TELNET:

# adminaccess enable {ftp|telnet}

Add remote hosts to use FTP or TELNET:

# adminaccess add {ftp|telnet}


Add a user:

# user add name [priv {admin|user}]

Change a user’s password:

# user change password username

Enable remote management: 

Refer to the 

Administration Guide

 for details

to Shut DoWn thE SyStEM


Never shut down the system by pressing the power button.  

Instead, use:

# system poweroff


Perform optional additional System configuration

