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Frequently Asked Questions  

Embertec SmartSwitch™

Does the Embertec SmartSwitch™ have surge protection?

Yes, both the Embertec SmartSwitch™ AV and PC have surge protection that provides a level

of protection for all your appliances connected to them; providing assurance that your

equipment is protected against dangerous power surges from your electricity source.

The Embertec SmartSwitch™ contains surge control; however, should you wish to use your

own additional surge protection for your appliances this will not affect the functionality of

the Embertec SmartSwitch™. Embertec recommends that if you have existing surge protection 

boards, that you use these in conjunction with the Embertec SmartSwitch™.

What is MusicMode™? Only applicable to Embertec SmartSwitch™ AV (M)

Your Embertec SmartSwitch™ AV (M) is equipped with a unique MusicMode™ feature. This 

feature enables you to override the Active Powerdown for a period of 8 hours. This feature is 

great for playing music, parties, video nights or any time you want to keep your appliances on 

for an extended period of time.

The Embertec SmartSwitch™ AV will revert to its previous setting of 1, 2 or 3 hours after the 8

hour period or after a power down has occurred.

Activating MusicMode™ is easy:

Hold the button on your SmartSensor down for at least 8 seconds, then release. The LED light 

will flash 5 times indicating that MusicMode™ is active.


1.   In this mode your system will stay on for 8 hours, unless you switch your appliances off.

2.    Your permanent Active Powerdown timer setting will revert to 1, 2 or 3 hours once you 

have switched your appliances off, or after 8 hours, whichever comes first. 

NOTE: Make sure your AV System is on before you start!
