Please read this Instruction Booklet before installing
your Embertec Emberplug™ AV.
• the embertec emberplug™ aV
is an electrical device. normal safety
precautions for use of an electrical device must be observed.
• do not immerse the embertec emberplug™ aV
in water.
• needles, knives or any other metal or conductive item must not be
inserted into any embertec emberplug™ aV
• this device does not convert voltage. it must only be used with
appliances fitted with north american configuration electrical plug (2-
pin, or 3-pin) and rated 110–120V aC.
• ensure the embertec emberplug™ aV
is securely plugged into the wall
socket to avoid it slipping out. ensure cords plugged into the embertec
emberplug™ aV
remain tangle free.
• it is recommended to regularly inspect the embertec emberplug™ aV
damage. the embertec emberplug™ aV
must not be used if it shows any
signs of damage.
• this embertec emberplug™ aV
is for indoor household use. do not use
outdoors. do not use this embertec emberplug™ aV
for anything other
than its intended use. Misuse may cause injury.
• except as required by law, embertec is not responsible for special,
incidental, or consequential damages, or loss of data; or any loss or
damage arising from intentional misuse of the product. such damages
and loss include, but are not limited to: lost business; business downtime;
component/equipment replacement and reconfiguration; and the costs
of retrieval of lost data.
• in normal use, this device intermittently emits a green flashing light.
People who experience photosensitive epilepsy or other forms of
photosensitivity should exercise caution when using the device.
What you need to know!