.9 Three throttle linear curve options make helicopter control more flexible.
10 Motor reverse rotation available via transmitter programmed only).
C. Instructions
C.1 Normal Startup procedures
Step1: Pull the throttle stick to the bottom position (full Off throttle),
Step2: Switch the transmitter on,
Step3: Switch the ESC on (normally by connecting batteries).
Step4: System detects the Min. throttle signal, and makes a long “beep” sound.
Step5: System detects battery voltage and makes several short “beep” sounds, which denotes the number of
battery cells.
Step6: System conducts self-check. If it is normal, you will hear a “
1 2 3” tune, push the throttle stick to start up.
(LED on the ESC will flash along with the tune.)
C.2 Throttle range setting procedures
Step1: Push the throttle stick to the top position (full On throttle),
Step2: Switch the transmitter on,
Step3: Switch the ESC on (normally by connecting batteries)
Step4: System detects the Max. throttle signal, and makes two “beep” sounds, which denotes that Max. throttle
has been confirmed and saved.
Step5: Pull the throttle stick to the bottom position (full Off throttle) within 5 seconds,
Step6: System detects the Min. throttle signal and makes a long “beep” sound.
Step7: System detects battery voltage and makes several short “beep” sounds, which denotes the number of
battery cells.
Step8: System self-check occurs. If it is normal, you will hear a “
1 2 3” tune, push the throttle stick to start up.
If the system doesn’t detect the throttle signal, it will constantly make “beep” sounds without stopping.
Any fault in self-check, it will make 20 short “beep” sounds.
C.3 Protection setting
Low-voltage protection:
Whether to shut down the motor immediately or to lower the power when the input
voltage drops below the programmed low-voltage protection voltage depends on the values set as
Loss of signal protection:
Power will automatically lower to 20% or less when signal is lost for 1 second, and
resume when detecting the signal.
Over-heat protection:
When the temperature increases to above 110 Celsius degree, power will be lowered
gradually to less than 35% of the full power, and will resume when the temperature decreases.
Hardware self-check:
The system will check by itself when the battery is connected. Any hardware fault, it will
make 20 short “beep” sounds.
D. Wiring your ESC