Technical Details
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User Manual QT50 Doc ID 1321 version 2.0 Sept. 2018
Figure 31: Communication interface schematics
CANopen interface
For more technical information about the Eltorque CANopen communication,
refer to the “System Integrators Manual CANopen interface” ID 1691.
Digital interface
The QT Digital Interface can run the outgoing shaft to
. The feedback from the actuator indicates if the actuator is in
CLOSED/OPEN position
and if the actuator has an error. The table below
summarizes the digital interface functions.
The following functions are available:
CLOSE command and OPEN command (inputs)
Trigged by a positive edge followed by an active signal for at least 100
Actuator will stop and set ALARM status if OPEN signal is activated during
a CLOSE command, or CLOSE signal is activated during an OPEN
CLOS status and OPEN status (outputs)
ALARM status (output)
Activated if GENERAL ALARM is trigged.
The following functions are available:
CLOSE and OPEN command (inputs):
Is trigged by a positive edge followed by an active signal for at least 100
The actuator stops and sets ALARM status if OPEN signal is activated
during a CLOSE command, or CLOSE signal is activated during an OPEN
CLOSE signal and OPEN signal (outputs)
ALARM signal (output)