TAU-4M.IP Subscriber gateway
Jitter Buffer
Min delay, ms
- min expecting time of IP packet spread through network;
Max delay, ms
- max expecting time of IP packet spread through network;
Deletion Threshold, ms
- max time interval through which deleting of voice packets from buffer id
processing. Parameter value greater than or equal to max delay (permitted values from 0 to 500,
but at least max jitter buffer value);
Buffer optimization factor
- parameter, used for jitter buffer size optimization. It is recommended
to set it's value into 0;
Use the Same PT Both for Transmission and Reception
- when checked use same payload type for
Rx and Tx;
–when selected, a received signal will be amplified to the specified level (maximum signal
amplification is +/- 15 dB), otherwise—the amplification will not be carried out;
Rx AGC Level
–determines the value of the level to which an analogue signal will be amplified
when receiving (allowed values: -25, -22, -19, -16, -13, -10, -7, -4, -1 dB);
–when selected, a transmitted signal will be amplified to the specified level (maximum
signal amplification is +/- 15 dB), otherwise—the amplification will not be carried out;
Tx AGC Level
–determines the value of the level to which an analogue signal will be amplified when
transmitting (allowed values: -25, -22, -19, -16, -13, -10, -7, -4, -1 dB).
'Hunt Groups' submenu
In the 'Hunt groups' submenu you can control call groups.
Call groups allow to perform call center features. Device supports 3 call group modes:
- mode, when the call comes in to all free ports of the group simultaneously. When one of
the group members answers, call transmission to other ports stops.
- in the serial group mode, the call comes in to the first free port in the group list, and then,
after the specific time interval (
Timeout of next port call
), the next free port in the list will be
added to the main one, etc. When one of the group members answers, call transmission to other
ports stops.
- in the cyclic mode, the gateway after timeout (
Timeout of next port call
) continuously
searches for a free group member, and the call is transferred to their number.
Group name
- Call group name;
- call group state: enabled, disabled;
SIP Profile
- SIP profile, used by call group;