TAU-4M.IP Subscriber gateway
creation and usage. L2TP over IPSec
allows for the higher security level compared to PPTP
and provides the higher level of protection for business-critical data.
Due to its characteristics, L2TP is an attractive protocol for building virtual networks.
To apply a new configuration and store settings into the flash memory, click
To discard changes click
To connect the device to the provider network, you should request the network settings from the
provider. If you use static settings, select ‘Static’ value in the Protocol field and fill the External IP address,
Subnet mask, Default gateway, Primary DNS and Secondary DNS fields with the corresponding values obtained
from the provider. If devices in the provider network obtain network settings via DHCP, PPPoE, PPTP, or L2TP —
select the corresponding protocol in the Protocol field and refer to provider's instructions to achieve complete
and correct device configuration.
For VoIP operation, you should specify settings in the VoIP section. To specify additional parameters, go to
advanced settings mode by clicking the
In the tabs Line 1, Line 2, Line 3, and Line 4 you may configure the device phone ports Phone1, Phone2,
Phone3, and Phone4 respectively:
– when selected, the current line is active;
– subscriber number assigned for the phone line;
User name
– user name for authentication on SIP server;
– password for authentication on SIP server;
In SIP tab, you may configure basic settings for SIP proxy server:
SIP proxy server
– network address of a SIP server—device that manages access to provider's
phone network for all subscribers. You may specify IP address as well as the domain name (specify
an alternative SIP server UDP port after the colon, default value is 5060)
– when selected, subscriber port registration will be enabled on the registration
Registration server
– network address of a device that is used for registration of all phone network
subscribers in order to provide them with the communication services (specify an alternative
registration server port after the colon, default value is 5060). You may specify IP address as well
as the domain name. Usually, registration server is physically co-located with SIP proxy server
(they have the same address);
SIP domain
– domain where the device is located (fill in, if required), is assigned automatically
when receiving DHCP option 15 or specified manually. A manually specified domain takes
precedence over the DHCP configuration.
To apply a new configuration and store settings into the flash memory, click
To discard changes click
Disable sender address translation for correct IPSec operation.