ESR-Series. User manual
We will drop packets:
esr(config-ips-category-rule)# action drop
Configure attack message:
esr(config-ips-category-rule)# meta log-message «Corporate policy violation»
Specify protocol type for the rule:
esr(config-ips-category-rule)# protocol http
For http requests, the operating system uses a random value as the TCP sender port, so you must specify any:
esr(config-ips-category-rule)# source-port any
As the TCP destination port for the protocol http is usually used port 80, but Internet sites can also work on
non-standard ports, so we specify any:
esr(config-ips-category-rule)# destination-port any
As the recipient's address can be any site on the Internet:
esr(config-ips-category-rule)# destination-address any
Requests to the sites are sent from our local network:
esr(config-ips-category-rule)# source-address policy-object-group protect
Set traffic direction:
esr(config-ips-category-rule)# direction one-way
The rule will trigger for categories of sites listed in the Black profile:
esr(config-ips-category-rule)# ip http content-filter Black
Activate the rule:
esr(config-ips-category-rule)# enable
esr(config-ips-category-rule)# exit
esr(config-ips-category-rule)# threshold type both