BCU 580 · Edition 11.15
5 Valve proving system
The BCU 500..C1 is fitted with an integrated valve proving
system. This allows either the tightness of the gas solenoid
valves and the pipework between them to be checked (tight-
ness test) or the closed position of a solenoid valve (proof of
closure function) to be checked.
Once the test has been carried out successfully, the burner
enable signal is issued.
For details, see following chapter Tightness test and page 33
5 .1 Tightness test
The aim of the tightness control is to identify an inadmissible
leak on one of the gas solenoid valves and to prevent burner
start. Gas solenoid valves V1 and V2 are tested as is the pipe-
work between the valves.
European standards EN 746-2 and EN 676 stipulate tightness
controls for capacities over 1200 kW (NFPA 86: from 117 kW or
400,000 Btu/h).
The tightness control function satisfies the requirements of
EN 1643, EN 746-2, ISO 13577-2 and NFPA 86 for valve prov-
ing systems.