BCU 480 · Edition 06.07
Program status and fault messages
4 .3
During operation, the 7-segment display shows the program
status. In the event of a fault, the BCU halts the program run,
the display blinks and it then displays the cause of the fault.
The burner control unit can be reset using the Reset button
or the remote reset.
Program status
Fault message (blinking*)
Start-up position/standby
Waiting time/Pause time
Flame simulation, pilot burner
Safety time on start-up, pilot burner
Start-up without flame signal, pilot burner
Flame proving period, pilot burner
Flame failure during flame proving period, pilot burner
Operation, pilot burner
Flame failure during operation, pilot burner
Waiting time, main burner
Flame simulation, main burner
Safety time on start-up, main burner
Start-up without flame signal, main burner
Flame proving period, main burner
Flame failure during flame proving period, main burner
Operation, main burner
Flame failure during operation, main burner
Air valve
No air flow in position X
High temperature operation**
* In Manual mode, two dots will blink on the display in program status
** Optionally available.