A100C - BS Single Phase Electronic Meter
Comparing LED pulses with substandard meter pulses
This method may be used where the test equipment has the facility to calculate meter
errors based on the pulse output from a substandard meter. It will be necessary to set the
pulse value of the meter under test (shown on the meter nameplate) into the meter test
The test duration must be at least 100 seconds.
The number of LED pulses should be greater than:-
Itest x V x PF Itest = Test current
V = System voltage
PF = Power factor of test load
Checking Meter Registration Accuracy from Register Advances
For these methods the advance of the meter register is used rather than the LED.
Using the 'Test' values on the meter display
Meters may be configured (at time of manufacture) to include
special test displays for the first one or two hours each time the
meter is powered up. For two rate meters, these test displays show
the sum of the internal Rate 1 and Rate 2 registers. Irrespective of
the resolution of the normal register displays, the test displays have 2 decimal digits of
What you will need
Suitable supply and load or meter test bench.
Substandard meter with kWh display.
For each measured quantity:
Connect the meter and substandard meter to the supply
Record initial values of the meter and substandard meter registers
Apply a suitable load to cause a significant register advance
Switch off the load to stop the register advancing. Leave the supply connected
Record the final register readings, compute the advances and compare the meter
advance with the substandard advance.
Elster Metering Limited - M130 300 2C - 5.2007