ELPRO Video Labs s.r.l.
Tel. +39 0119348778 - FAX +39 0119348779
5. LIN101 Programming
The operation of the LIN101 in the Normal Mode is controlled by a number of user-definable
define the
permanent functionality
of the LIN101. Settings are stored in the non-volatile memory and
are preserved even when the LIN101 is switched off. After having been changed new Setting values take effect
only after the LIN101 is restarted (rebooted)
temporary overrides
for certain Settings. Changing Parameters have an immediate effect on
the LIN101 operation. Parameters are preserved only until the LIN101 is switched off or restarted.
The LIN101 can be programmed in two different ways:
Through the serial port
of the LIN101 in a
Serial Programming Mode
Over the network
using UDP packets sent to a
command port
65535 (FFFF Hex). This method is called
Network Programming
There are several differences between the Serial Programming Mode and the Network Programming:
Serial Programming Mode is a separate mode of operation. The LIN101 is not performing its data routing
function when in the Serial Programming Mode. In contrast the Network Programming is not a separate mode of
operation but a
of programming. Network Programming can proceed in parallel with the normal
operation of the LIN101.
Certain commands can only be executed through the network. Some commands have different result when
executed in the Serial Programming Mode and through the network (Initialize command)
Serial Programming Mode can always be entered, even when the LIN101 is not properly setup and needs to be
Initialized. Network Programming can only be used when the LIN101 is already functional.
5.1 LIN101 Programming using DST (Device Server Toolkit)
This software allows to handle many LIN101 connected in a Ethernet PC network. It creates Virtual Serial COMs on the
PC that can be used as harware installed COMs.
5.2 Programming via RS232
The Device Server Manager is a DST function taht allows to configure all LIN101
network settings
or modify them by a
PC serial port or through the network
LIN101 programming can be done in a following manners:
by PC serial communication port
auto-discovery LIN101 connected in the network
choosing a LIN101 from a predefined list
In the following example the LIN101 is programmed via RS232, the LIN101 will be connected in the network by HUB and
its serial port will exchange data with a serial device at 9600 bit/sec.
The LIN101 serial port must be connected to PC serial port with a cross-cable as follow:
PC side
LIN101 side
(Tx) 3
2 (Rx)
(Rx) 2
3 (Tx)
(GND) 5
5 (GND)
(CTS) 8
7 (RTS)
(RTS) 7
8 (CTS)
Restart LIN101 and push the
button on the bottom side (LIN101 status leds blink)
Now execute the DS Manager, the following window will be displayed