CV to SDI Converter
The CONVI104R converts a composite video signal into an SDI signal according to the
ITU-R601 standard. The SDI output is double.
The product, consisting of a plug-in, can be fitted in the Elpro DVR-MV/RK 19" 2RU rack.
Like all Elpro plug-ins, the CONVI104R is self-powered and consists of two parts:
-The actual plug-in that can be inserted in the rack from the front.
-The rear box, called CRB104, that can be fastened with two screws in the rear part of
the rack.
The CONVI104 plug-in can be fitted with an optional FRAME SYNCHRONIZER board
that provides two SDI synchronous outputs with an analogue reference signal that enters
through the REF. LOOP input.
The SDI output signals contain the EDH packet.
ELPRO Video Labs s.r.l.
Via della Praia, 4/A 10090 Ferriera di Buttigliera Alta (TO) ITALY
Tel.+39 0119348778 – Fax +39 0119348779