User Manual
Condor 415U-1-Cx Battery Powered Wireless IO
Version 1.4
g) Display Scaling
Additional scaling for displayed engineering units.
h) Report sensitivity
Number of counts that the scaled value needs to change by
to trigger an event. For ON/OFF mode this is set to 1.
i) Save Config
Save Configuration changes
j) Return to previous menu
Return to previous Menu
Analog Input Configuration
Analog input sensors can be connected to the 415U-1-Cx unit that support 4-20mA current loop
interface which corresponds to a 0 to 100% measure range of the sensors span.
Analog Sensor Input Menu below allows to be setup for the application.
Analog 1 Menu:
a) Sensor REG
Access Point register address to send analog value to.
Please ensure this register is in the correct range for the
value type.
b) Report Format
Custom Type (Unsigned, signed integer or Floating point) or
ELPRO standard format.
c) Span / Range
Span applied to the raw input value. Floating point value
based on 0% at 4mA and 100% at 20mA.
d) Zero / Offset
Zero reference value applied to the raw input value.
Floating point value.
e) Display Units
Engineering units used for display of values inside
configuration menus.
f) Display Scaling
Additional scaling for displayed engineering units.
g) Report Sensitivity
Number of counts that the scaled value needs to change by
to trigger an event.
h) Save Config
Save Configuration changes
i) Return to previous menu
Return to previous Menu
Analog Sensor Input sample and warmup time can be configured when choosing the Analog Sampling
menu option. This setting is common for both analog input 1 and input 2.
Analog sample time is configured in minutes with a range of 1 to 1440 minutes. Sensor warmup time
is the time that the 415U-1-Cx will wait to allow sensor reading to stabilize before taking the value
reading. It is configured in seconds and has a range of between 1 and 600 seconds.
In applications which are powered by internal battery only, it is important to choose the analog sensor
input values carefully to get the longer battery option life. For the given application, select a long
sample time as practical and consult with sensor data to select the shortest warmup time.
Analog Setpoints
Note: supported in R1.6 or later firmware
For each of the two analog inputs there is an internal discrete input that can be configured to be set
ON or OFF based on the analog value exceeding the high or low analog values. This allows for a