Power Demand :
The operation metod is very similar to the above paragraph “Daily peaks” and
the informatin includes the maximum average for 15 minutes of the active
power, reactive power and apparent power demand.
Total Energy :
The operation metod is very similar to the above paragraph “Daily peaks” and
the informatin includes the toatl energy values for active energy, reactive
energy and apparent energy for each phase and total energy.
Daily Energy :
The operation metod is very similar to the above pragraph “Daily peaks” and
the informatin daily energy consumption for active energy, reactive energy
and apparent energy for each phase and total energy.
Set Fast Trend :
Set Fast Trend
form the screen described in Figure 8.1.
will enable
you to set a trend report. The size of the trend report is 6939 samples of all
the measurements (currents, voltages, power, power factor and more for all
The user can set only the cycle time (sampling rate) and the range is from one
second up to 3600 seconds (one hour)
Figure 8.5.
Set Fast Trend