‐
–
Gold
Maestro
Software
User’s
Manual
Software
User
Manual
‐
After
the
include
files;
the
global
variables
are
defined,
using
the
naming
convention
we
defined
above.
Variables
are
defined
clearly,
with
a
short
explanation
and,
preferably,
one
per
line.
Initialization
of
variables
can
occur
at
this
phase
(as
part
of
the
definition),
but
we
prefer
to
perform
all
initialization
within
the
suitable
initialization
functions,
as
described
in
the
n
ext
section.
Immediately
after
the
Application
global
variables,
we
define
the
structure
variables
required
for
the
interfaces
with
the
function
blocks.
In
the
Sample
example,
these
structures
are
initialized
as
part
of
their
definition.
We
do
recommend
performing
it
as
part
of
the
initialization
functions,
as
suggested
in
earlier
sections.