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3. Alarm Zones Settings.
3.1. Zone type.
Service Settings
Zone settings
Zone function
Elmes CB32 control panel allows alarm zones with one or more additional functions set
on and off by in this menu. The
buttons are used to select the zone number and the
buttons to switch between displaying the zone number and zone name, e.g.: zone
No. 1
kitchen. On accepting selection with OK button the
buttons are used to
select zone type function as in items a)….h) above. Functions can be turned on (Y) or
off (N) with the OK button. The use of C button exits zone function selection.
a) “disabled”
- disabled zone (permanently turned off),
b) “active 24h”
- 24 hour zone, e.g. anti-sabotage zone (permanently armed).
c) “day armed”
- zone armed in day supervision mode,
d) “night disabled”
- zone disabled in night supervision mode,
e) “remote delayed”
- zone with entry delay set on by remote control,
f) “delayed”
- entry zone with delayed alarming,
g) “chime type”
- zone with door chime feature providing beep sound from
the keypad each time zone is violated,
h) “bypass”
- this zone may be left disarmed if violated on system arming.
A standard zone is in supervision mode when the system is “armed” or in “night armed”
mode and disarmed when the system is “disarmed” or in “day armed" mode.
Zones can have more than one functions selected, but some functions
are mutually exclusive. In that case only one selection is valid, e.g.:
if a zone is “disabled” all other settings have no meaning,
if a zone is “active 24h”, then settings such as “day armed”, “night delayed”,
“delayed”, and “bypass” have no meaning.
Examples of alarm zone type settings:
Entry zone can be “remote disabled” i.e. after using remote control button entry
delay countdown is started. Security violation in the zone during the countdown
will not generate the alarm immediately, but after the countdown is finished. That
allows user enough time for safe disarming the system.
Entry zone can also be a delayed zone, i.e. when the zone is violated, the entry
delay countdown starts and the system must be disarmed before the countdown is
finished. If system is not disarmed an audible alarming is set on.
The “chime type” zone which often is also a “delayed” or “remote delayed” zone,
generates two beeps sound signal on every violation of the zone (e.g. informing
about an entry to the shop).
A basement zone can be “day armed” but it cannot be “active 24h” simultaneously.
„bypass” zone type allows arming the alarm while intentionally leaving a window
opened protected by CTX3H or CTX4H detector. The “bypass?” prompts and the
name of this zone will appear at arming. The OK button confirms selection, and the
C button exits from arming.
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3.2. Zone name.
Service settings
Zone settings
Zone name
This menu allows alarm zones used in the system to have user defined 16-character
name, e.g.: kitchen, living room, office, Mark’s Room, etc. Uppercase and lowercase
letters, digits and the following characters: space and “-,./” are accepted.
Zone number selection is made with the
buttons followed by OK button. The
buttons select the successive letters of the name while the
buttons browse the
character table. Accept the name with OK button. The use of C button cancels selection
and exits the menu.
3.3. Learning detectors.
Service settings
Zone settings
Learning detectors
In this menu use the
buttons to select zone number, and the
buttons to toggle
between displaying the zone number and zone name, e.g.: zone 1
kitchen. The OK
button accepts all selections. If detector is already learned to selected zone, the “OK-
remove” prompt will appear. Pressing OK button will delete detector in the zone. If the
zone is vacant, the “OK-enter” will appear on the LCD. Pressing OK button starts
learning detector to the zone. In response to the “Awaiting trans. 1” and “Awaiting
trans. 2” messages two successive alarm transmissions must be triggered
Correct learning will be followed by “OK-correct” message. Errors are
signaled by 3 beeps and “Program error” message. The use of C button exits the menu.
For the
detector – by setting “Test” mode and hand movement over the
lens. For the
by moving the magnet away from the reed relay.
As in case of
transmissions learning the detector to a receiver appear for a while
after connecting battery. For detailed information please refer to detector’s manuals.
3.4. Radio reception range test.
Service settings
Zone settings
RF range test
To assess the level of radio reception of signals received from detectors, the most
distant detectors in particular, the CB32 panel is provided with “RF range test” function
allowing the received signal levels to be displayed on 16-point bar graph scale of LCD.
After entering this menu all RF signals in the 433.92MHz radio band will be displayed
in form of bar graph. The detectors should be triggered to send alarm transmissions. The
longer the distance of the detector from the control panel, or the greater difficulty in
radio waves propagation, the lower the level of received signals and the length of the
displayed bar graph. If the number of displayed fields is lower than three it should be
assumed that this connection does not guarantee reliable alarming. The location of
detectors or the control panel should be changed in search for better connection quality.
The “RF range test” function allows also assessing levels of all local RF signals in the
433.92MHz band, also those that can interfere and disturb operation of the wireless
alarm system. The test should be carried out prior to permanent installation of alarm
devices or, in search for causes of short range operation. To find out any interfering
signals, the LCD bar graph 16-point scale readouts should be observed without
activation of own detectors. Frequent or continuous unknown RF signals received and